Membership application
Please select the appropriate membership application.
What type of membership do we offer?
Industry (Full) Members
Industry (Full) Membership is open to industrial and commercial companies, or any other kind of legal entity representing industrial and commercial companies, which are active in the field of bio-based industries: Active in Europe through either research, innovation or demonstration along the value chain and actively involved in building businesses and business cases to contribute to a more competitive, efficient and sustainable Europe. More specific: Active in the field of the production, logistics, or transformation and/or processing of biomass, including waste/residues (e.g. via biorefineries) with existing and new processes into a spectrum of innovative marketable products and energy and as such actively taking part or building new innovative bio-based value chains. Industry (Full) Members can be large companies, SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), micro-enterprises or regional/national SME clusters.
Legal entities that have an interest in the activities of the Bio-based Industries Consortium, but are not bio-based industries per se, can apply for Associate Membership. Associate Member categories are: Individual research organisations: organisations such as RTOs and universities, who as their predominant activity provide research and development, technology and innovation services to enterprises, governments and other clients. National and regional clusters, and national or regional associations, representing research organisations; European Technology Platforms. European industry trade associations, NGOs and other organisations (e.g. financing institutes) which have been recognised by the General Assembly as contributing to the objectives of BIC. Consultants and consultancies.
This type of membership (without access to our members platform) is temporary and free and only valid when participating in a CBE JU call ; when the project proposal is successful your temporary membership automatically turns into (payable) Industry (Full) Membership.