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Industry (Project) Membership

In order to fulfill the requirement of the minimum level of IKOP requirement in CBE JU Innovation Actions, a special category of Industry membership has been created for industries participating in CBE JU calls that are not yet an Industry (Full) Member.

  • The category of project membership is fully open and only accessible to any legal entity (industrial and commercial companies, or any other kind of legal entity representing industrial and commercial companies) that is a participant of a project proposal for a specific ‘CBE JU call for proposals’ and that is not yet a Full Member of BIC.
  • ‘Project membership’ is temporary: between the opening of the call for proposals (at the earliest) until the evaluation/grant agreement signature. Once the project is successful and the grant has been attributed, the project member automatically becomes a ‘Full Member’ (including all rights and obligations). In case the project is not successful, and no grant is attributed, the ‘Project Member’ can decide to resign. However, it is advisable to become an ‘Industry (Full) Member’.
  • Project Members in successful projects who then become an Industry (Full) Member must remain a BIC Member for the duration of the project.

Industry (Project) Membership application form

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